Shocking results of a sample for chicken meat: More than half of all samples at the University of Greifswald was contaminated with antibiotic-resistant germs. The environmental organization germanwatch said in Berlin on Tuesday. The main risk lies especially in the kitchen hygiene.
Gerd-Ludwig Meyer is noted for his anger at industrial animal farming and its consequences. The specialist in Internal medicine and a kidney specialist treated also severely ill patients in whom antibiotics are pressing hardly or not at all. Sometimes you die because of it. Blame for this can be for Meyer also food if they contain germs resistant to antibiotics are, says the doctor from Nienburg (lower Saxony). For example; the meat, when animals received these drugs during the fattening.
How high is the extent of this potential burden is, wanted to know the environmental organization germanwatch in a new sample for chicken meat. Test purchaser went nationwide in discounters such as Aldi, Lidl, Penny and Netto shopping (an exact Branch-Overview you can find here). 59 samples analyzed by the University of Greifswald on behalf of Germanwatch without interruption of the cooling chain in the laboratory.
Shocking results for Aldi, Penny and co.
In the result, around half of the samples (56%) was colonized with antibiotic-resistant germs, such as the environmental organization announced on Tuesday in Berlin. Including, for example, pathogens, which are resistant to many antibiotics (MRSA). Every third chicken sample germs with resistance was found even to antibiotics that are only used when others fail. German watch At Penny were with 82 percent of all samples, the majority of meat products are loaded.
"These findings we hold for alarmierend", Reinhild Benning, agricultural expert at Germanwatch says. In the case of test purchases in slaughterhouses, which did not work industrially, was charged in eleven samples, only nine percent of the chicken meat with such germs. Germanwatch calls, therefore, on the labelling of meat from industrial animal-husbandry – to provide consumers with a decision, such as in the case of eggs.
Especially the detection of multiple antibiotic resistance in chicken meat makes the doctor Gerd-Ludwig Meyer angry. He has also studied agriculture. He was not, however, if a single sick animal to get an antibiotic, he said at the press conference of the German watch. But if the mass of the diseased animals, not vote for him, something to do with the conditions. He not directed his criticism against farmers in General, he says. "To me it is a question of agricultural economists, hedge funds, and the policy." It is also to supermarket customers, who just wanted to spend a little money for a piece of meat.