A bike helmet protects you in an accident from serious injury. Nevertheless, many people often wear no helmet because they find it awkward or are afraid of ruining their hairstyle. An Alternative is a head airbag is worn around the neck and inflates on impact. In doing so, he not only protects the head but also the neck, cervical spine, jaw and face.
"Each spring, goes to the Start of the Cycling season, the number of injured cyclists in our emergency departments. Often the head is betroffen", Prof. Dr. Paul Alfred Grützner, President of the German society for Orthopaedics and trauma surgery (DGOU). The helmet wearing rate spent across all age groups, on average, only 18 per cent.
Remedy could offer Grützner, according to a still little-known helmet shape: the head airbag. He would be taken as a kind of frill around the neck. In the case of an accident, the Sensors provided with the Airbag is inflated and resemble a full face helmet, which encloses, in addition to the head and the neck and lower jaw area. Researchers at the Stanford University certified by the head airbag in a study, even up to eight-fold lower risk of concussions compared to a helmet. "The Airbag in a crash, absorbs the impact to the head and stabilizes the cervical spine, so that the dangers of a traumatic brain injury and a whiplash injury of the cervical spine reduzieren", Dr. Christopher Spering, a senior physician at the clinic for accident surgery, Orthopaedics and plastic surgery at the University medical center Göttingen (UMG).
The head airbag is placed in front of the travel around the neck and closes with a zip. A push-button must be activated before each bike ride the security system. The cons: the head airbag is much more expensive than a bike helmet and has a battery that needs to be regularly via a USB cable to charge it. Just for E-Bike driver it is worth, according to the experts, however, to draw a head airbag in consideration: firstly, one is with an E-Bike often with a faster pace, which increases the risk of injury. The regular Charge of the Airbags can also be without much more effort with the Charging of E-Bikes connect.
In the year 2017, there were, according to calculations by the Federal Statistical office 14.123 seriously injured and 65.104 slightly injured cyclists. 382 people died in a Bicycle accident. A helmet or head airbags, can the consequences of the accident significantly reduce or prevent injuries.