The shortage of Doctors in rural regions is a serious Problem. NRW is now an unusual and innovative way: in Order to prevent a lack of medical care in the country, North Rhine-abolish-Westphalia is the first state of the Numerus Clausus (NC) for aspiring country doctors.
Through the introduction of a statutory "Landarztquote" space assignment will not count anymore in the study, in the future alone, the GPA, said the NRW health Minister Karl-Josef Laumann (CDU) on Tuesday following a Cabinet decision in Düsseldorf.
High school graduates should be able to in NRW in the future for a study of General medicine in a separate procedure without NC apply. A prerequisite for the obligation to be in accordance with the study, completion of a minimum of ten years as a family physician in underserved regions in NRW. In the case of breach of duty, a contractual penalty in the amount of 250,000 euros.
Starting in the winter semester of 2019
In the winter semester 2019/2020 170 study places according to Laumann in the context of a country doctor quota to the NRW universities. This corresponds to 7.6 per cent of all study courses in human medicine. The application process is in two stages. In the first stage, the Abitur, average grade of 30 percent, the Test for Medical studies (TMS) with 30 percent, and a vocational or practical work after school is weighted visit with 40 percent. In the second stage, selection interviews will be conducted by the centre for health (LZG) in Bochum.
In the interviews, the vocational count mainly explained Laumann. Because "The patient’s orientation, empathy, and Sozialkompetenz" are important key factors to the medical profession. These skills would be valued in the selection interviews through simulations and Interviews. With this method, NRW is a nationwide pioneer in the fight against the country’s doctor shortage, said Laumann. More than half of the more than 11,500 house doctors will quit in the next 10 to 15 years for reasons of age, your profession.
Laumann warned that the fight against the shortage of Doctors in Germany continue to be solely on the recruitment of foreign physicians. This was compared to their home countries "unverantwortlich". A Caritas Director from Romania have reported to him recently that in the past years, 26,000 physicians had left the country.
How does the application procedure work?
The procedure is in two stages. First, the GPA and the Test for medicine degree programmes, each with 30 percent, and a training or professional activity is weighted, with 40 per cent. Then selection interviews will follow. From the results of both application a total is formed stages of ranking.
Which universities of degree is offered?
At the RWTH Aachen, the Ruhr-University of Bochum, the University of Bonn, a collaboration of the universities of Bonn and Siegen, as well as courses at the universities of Düsseldorf, Duisburg-Essen, Cologne and Münster. The applicant can specify preferences for the possible study locations.
There is the country doctor ratio in other States as well?
Also Bavaria and Rhineland-Palatinate are to create the legal foundations for the country doctor quota.