Meanwhile, I have met almost 100 last wishes. 100 wishes, the had people a short time before her death. In the process, I learned what in life really matters.
What people prior to her death wish, are in most cases not extraordinary experiences, but rather the small, everyday things, special moments of everyday life, the them as seriously ill people will remain unavailable. Mark Castens
Last Christmas I picked up a woman from the hospice. Her only desire was to be for the last Time at home and celebrate with your family Christmas.
The few hours on Christmas eve with your family means a lot to her. It was very moving, as we have picked up and it was clear to her This Christmas will be the last with your grandchild. I would hope that even healthy people know how to appreciate such precious hours with the whole family. That you can sharpen General awareness of the valuable moments in your everyday life.
Also material things can prepare prior to the death of joy
Often, for example, the desire to do so, for the last Time to the sea to see. Many men have the desire to go one last Time into the football stadium. These are companies that are for seriously ill people, of course.
But also material things can make someone in front of the death a joy. A 14-year-old Boy has been happy recently extremely on a Pair of sneakers that we have given to him. I didn’t know before that you can rejoice so much over a Pair of sneakers, but which were fashionable just very young people.
At his funeral his mother told me that he had insisted to be exactly in these shoes burned.
What matters to be happy, live your life the way you want it
Also I’ve changed the contact to so many dying people. I’m much more conscious through the day and question much more. If my fellow human beings in daily life about things to be upset, I think to myself often “you are in now, really upset?”
I enjoy daily life a lot more, make me aware of how much in life is not self-evident. To drive to somewhere, to be on the road. A seriously ill person does not have even the opportunity. And I learned how dying people want to be treated: quite normal. The worst thing that can do that to their fellow human beings to you is to keep distance, because you know how you want to be treated.
What I also from my work took have is: Everyone should live the way he wants to. Can you live as healthy as possible and live in an exemplary way, and you’re going to die anyway. With Sport without Sport, with a cigarette and without the cancer makes no difference.
Therefore: above all, be happy. Enjoys life. And worry not too much about insignificant problems.
When you spend so much time Dying as I, are the refractive errors other problems at once.
This article was written by Mark Castens