Behavior called ‘joint attention’ studied in infants and mothers
Scientists have shed new light on a human behavior called joint attention—the ability for two or more people to share attention about something. For instance, […]
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Scientists have shed new light on a human behavior called joint attention—the ability for two or more people to share attention about something. For instance, […] A team of researchers with members affiliated with multiple institutions in Australia and China has found evidence that genetic studies of alcohol drinking could be […] A new study showing how a stomach ache associated with a novel, appealing food forms an aversion to that food also reveals how areas of […] Due to strain-specific behavioral idiosyncrasies, inbred mouse strains are suboptimal research models for behavioral aging studies. The researchers found that both males and females demonstrated […] Mothers are often their own toughest critics, but new research shows they judge other mothers just as harshly. The results, published in the Journal of […] People who act dishonestly don’t only hurt the people they’ve wronged—they also harm themselves. Julia Lee, an assistant professor of management and organizations at the […] From improving outcomes in children with brain cancer to lowering the risk of damage to the brainstem in children with central nervous system tumors, a […] Hannibal. Voldemort. Skeletor and Gargamel. It’s hard to imagine any nefarious villain having redeeming qualities. But what if someone were to tell you that the […] Finnish StopDia study yielded promising preliminary results in reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes. Lifestyle guidance in a group and application that supports the […]
Behavior called ‘joint attention’ studied in infants and mothers
Genetic studies of alcohol consumption could be spoiled by people who misreport their behavior
Taste aversion reveals how bad experiences modify brain and behavior
Conclusions from a behavioral aging study on male and female F2 hybrid mice on age-related behavior
Bad behavior between moms driven by stereotypes, judgment
Dishonest behavior damages ability to read other people’s emotions
Two studies show promise, safety of proton therapy in the brain in children with cancer: Research expands evidence of proton benefit
Bad to the bone or just bad behavior?
Lifestyle counselling and mobile application helped people change their lifestyle
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