From Germany to Ireland: So many intensive care beds there are in different countries

COVID-19 can be harmless, but can also lead to a life-threatening inflammation of the lungs. Especially the elderly and patients with pre-existing conditions to land quickly in the ICU, such as the recent British Prime Minister Boris Johnson (55 years old). Germany is beds, with around 34 intensive per 100,000 inhabitants are comparatively well placed, such as from the Federal Statistical office published Figures from the OECD show.

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In the US, where many people are of the Coronavirus ill, there are only 26 intensive care beds per 100,000 citizens, in Spain, there are only 9.7 and in Italy even only for 8.6 beds, such as the Statista graphic shows. The statistics illustrates why the Virus is called in Italy, so many deaths. Yet reason to sound the all-clear for Germany it is not: The Federal government maintains that it is the contact barrier for the protection of the population at least up to and including the day of Easter to maintain.

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