It was planned the purchase of a shelf – but also candles, napkins and decorative pillows are found on the receipt. The buying frenzy in the furniture store wanted. Sales professionals can trick the subconscious mind of the customer. “Neuro-scientists say that 70 to 80 percent of purchase decisions are made unconsciously,” says Christiane Manthey of the consumer Baden-Württemberg. So how to protect the customer prior to the purchase of a large pack of candles?
Take the children
The prerequisite for the purchase of customer relaxation. The purchase of houses. Because: “When we are stressed, we will not buy it,” explains Hans-Georg Häusel, brain researcher and consumer psychologist. “In a good, relaxed mood, we buy about ten percent more.” A stress factor of furniture stores off, therefore, usually from the beginning: bored, quengelnde children. Very many houses, so we offer child care with a Playground, arts and crafts corners. So the parents can focus on shopping.
The adults are only in the furniture exhibition, fall wait for the next Purchase, says consumer advocate Manthey. “The entire structure of such houses is to serve the increase in sales.” A popular method: a Lot of furniture houses make their products complete rooms. “Most of the people are in terms of taste uncertain,” says Hänel. “Through these complete images, of which you can buy each part individually can, get you a kind of guide.”
This also includes accessories. “In the residential furniture you will find, for example, is usually directly the pillow. It makes impulse buying possible,” says Manthey. Accessories for furniture houses already becoming more and more important. “In the past, the house was sold in furniture mainly furniture. Dishes there were in the household goods business, beds in a bed store. Now, this can no longer be separated.”
The phenomenon is familiar psychologist Häusel. “The accessories are some of the houses, almost the main source of revenue.” Rising sales are not guaranteed to be the dealers – even if the customers need the products. “We always buy stuff we don’t need,” says Häusel. Example bed linen: Actually, the closet is bulging of sheets and duvet covers, new bed linen ends up in the shopping cart, because the Design is so pretty.
“The reward system wants more and more”
The reason for this is rooted in human biology. “Our brain is a reward. And buying a Lifestyle article is such a reward,” says Häusel. However, the high feeling wears off quickly. “Twice the bedding is raised, then you will be happy about it. The third Time you heard of the inventory,” says Häusel. “But the reward system wants more and more.”
So what can you do to keep the furniture the upper hand of buying on the baser instincts? Brain researchers Häusel says: “If you know the mechanisms, you can discipline yourself.” The can be exhausting. Because the brain is lazy and switches prefer to be on Autopilot – and whoosh, we have purchased three article summarizes Häusel.
Consumer activist Manthey discourages customers from going to the furniture store to let there first be inspired. Who wants to save money should consider home exactly what is needed, and it on a shopping list hold. “You should be prepared beforehand,” recommends Menthey, “and carefully consider what you need and actually want to take.”