This Mom’s Dramatic Postpartum Photos Show How Much Pregnancy Has Changed Her Body

Instagram influencer and mom of five Brenda Stearns is celebrating the beauty of her postpartum body—and inspiring others along the way. On Saturday, the blogger shared a dramatic before-and-after shot of her body, with the first photo showing her nine months into her pregnancy, and the second showing how she looks nine months after giving birth. 

“9 months in / 9 months out,” she wrote alongside the photo. “Same dirty mirror, same tired mom. When I took the picture on the left I was 40+4 days pregnant and just so over it!! I literally felt like I’d be pregnant for the rest of my life.”

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9 months in / 9 months out . . Same dirty mirror, same tired mom. When I took the picture on the left I was 40+4 days pregnant and just so over it!! I literally felt like I’d be pregnant for the rest of my life ? . . I think it’s so amazing how much has changed since, I look at the picture on the right and I’m so amazed. I may not look like a magazine cover girl but dang do I feel like it!! I feel so strong and beautiful for carrying life and sustaining it. I have so much love, admiration, and respect for all mothers. Those who carried life within and those who didn’t, because we all have wounds and scars of love, just in different places. . . No matter what you look like, or what your life looks like at this present moment, if you have a mirror go look at yourself and say to that woman how beautiful and strong and capable she is! She is YOU! And she is amazing!! . . Now go move some mountains and keep being awesome ?✨ Happy weekend loves ✌?

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“I think it’s so amazing how much has changed since, I look at the picture on the right and I’m so amazed,” she continued. “I feel so strong and beautiful for carrying life and sustaining it. I have so much love, admiration, and respect for all mothers. Those who carried life within and those who didn’t, because we all have wounds and scars of love, just in different places.”

She added, “No matter what you look like, or what your life looks like at this present moment, if you have a mirror go look at yourself and say to that woman how beautiful and strong and capable she is! She is YOU! And she is amazing!!”

In two days, the post has amassed over 5,000 likes and 80 comments, many from fellow moms praising her for her honest look at the dramatic body changes of motherhood. 

This isn’t the first time Stearns has shared intimate shots of her postpartum body. In January, she shared a close-up of her stomach after receiving criticism about her postpartum stretch marks and stomach shape. “Yes, I do I have a valley of lines mapped across my belly, mountains of stretched skin left over my mid section, lightning bolts on my sides and back, all signs that I carried life inside of me…. five times!” she wrote alongside the shot. 

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In response to the hateful messages I got about my belly photo, I’ve been empowered to share this message louder! Yes, I do I have a valley of lines mapped across my belly, mountains of stretched skin left over my mid section, lightning bolts on my sides and back, all signs that I carried life inside of me…. five times! I also have a cesarean scar reminding me that my belly was cut open twice! My body is amazing. My body is beautiful. My body is powerful. My body is strong. My body is capable. My body made me a mother. My body grew a human inside. Not everybody has that privilege. So while society wants to sit behind a screen and label us as flawed, I am here to remind myself and all of you that to our children we are perfect. They see behind the stretched out skin, marks, and lines. They see us for who we truly are. They know our hearts and love us unconditionally. And that is all that matters. ? #freeto #mombod #postpartumbody #realpostpartum #empoweringwomen #ellenratemybaby

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In September 2018, Stearns wrote an inspiring caption next to a photo of herself and her five children, holding up signs that read, “This is postpartum.”

“Today I will look at myself in the mirror and I will see my body for what’s its done,” she wrote at the time. “That loose skin and all those stretch marks are beautiful reminders of the changes my body went through to create life within me. Those leaking breasts are a beautiful reminder of the babies I am sustaining and keeping alive with my milk. The untamed hair is a beautiful reminder that I am doing everything I possibly can to care for my little humans. Today I embrace the chaos that comes with mothering five children. Today I encourage you to love yourself in ways that you’ve never loved yourself before.”

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#this_is_postpartum When I look at myself in the mirror all I see is loose skin, stretch marks, leaking breasts, untamed hair, and many other “flaws” I stand there and I criticize myself, I feel shame, I feel ugly, I feel lonely, and I feel depressed. • But not today! • Today I will look at myself in the mirror and I will see my body for what’s its done. That loose skin and all those stretch marks are beautiful reminders of the changes my body went through to create life within me. Those leaking breasts are a beautiful reminder of the babies I am sustaining and keeping alive with my milk. The untamed hair is a beautiful reminder that I am doing everything I possibly can to care for my little humans. • Today I am showing my postpartum body. Today I embrace the chaos that comes with mothering five children. Today I encourage you to love yourself in ways that you’ve never loved yourself before. • Because this is postpartum, and so is this [email protected] (swipe to read her story) • • • • • • Cuando me miro en el espejo, todo lo que veo es piel flácida, estrías, cicatrices, fluido lactante, pelo rebelde y puros "defectos" Parada frente a mi reflejo no paro de criticarme, me da vergüenza mi cuerpo, me siento fea, sola, y deprimida. • ¡Pero no hoy! • Hoy me veré en el espejo y observare mi cuerpo por lo que a hecho. Esa piel suelta y todas esas estrías son hermosos recordatorios de los cambios que mi cuerpo experimentó para crear vida dentro de mí. Mi cicatriz me recuerda mis dos partos por cesárea y mis tres partos naturales sin medicamento. Esos senos hinchados son un bello recordatorio de los bebés que estoy alimentando y manteniendo con vida gracias a la leche materna. Este pelo rebelde es un hermoso recordatorio de que estoy haciendo todo lo posible por cuidar a mis hijos. • Hoy les muestro mi cuerpo posparto. Hoy celebro el caos que acompaña al ser madre de cinco pequeños. Y hoy te animo a ti también a que te ames de una manera en las que jamás te has amado antes.• Porque esto es posparto, y también esto lo es ?? @eliseknowles – desliza para leer su historia, comparte tu propia historia de posparto usando #this_is_postpartum #esto_es_posparto

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