Now it is serious: German intensive preparation stations to Corona?

In the North of Italy the health care system broke down because of the Coronavirus ways. Doctors had to decide who lives and who does not. What is the situation in German hospitals? Even before the intensive care units of the great rush yet, but Doctors say: The people have little idea of how bad it can be.

“It is not the Tsunami, not to roll in, the big wave,” says Clemens Wendtner, chief of infectious diseases and tropical medicine at the Klinikum München-Schwabing. “But we get on a regular basis now patients.” Meanwhile, 13 patients were “with us on the infectious Station and six patients in the intensive care unit,” explained the chief doctor. “We have not had yet. The patients in the ventilated part of full, so intubated are. In the belly storage, as we know from Italy and also from the television images. This means that There the Sick are already critical in the process.“

Nevertheless, the infection Loge remained confident that the German health system can cope with the crisis. “We don’t do everything, so that we can get in Germany conditions such as we now see it in Italy. We have a certain amount of time ahead of the Italian colleagues.“ It is about two weeks, which would now be used to define pandemic zones and device upgrade memberships as well as staff.

Young patients on the intensive care unit

Currently, there are two developments of concern. On the one hand, be treated in the intensive care units in Germany, more and more, young Corona-patients. This was seen in Italy, and “this is a picture that also emerges in Germany”, – said the chief doctor Clemens Wendtner from the clinic for infectious diseases in Munich, clinic Schwabing. “The recent symptomatic Covid-19-patients were at the beginning of 20 years old. Overall, we see the whole demographic age range, no matter whether you are on a normal ward or intensive care unit.“ Wendtner had dealt with in the Schwabing clinic in the end of January already, the first with the Sars-CoV-2-Virus-infected patients in Germany. dpa/-/Munich, clinic/dpabild Clemens Wendtner

The second risk are currently undetected cases, and the dark figure is on the rise. Wendtner is assumed that, in Italy, ten Times as many people infected as officially reported. Thus, the high mortality rate of well over five per cent declare themselves. In Germany, already five times more people could be infected as a registered. In this country the mortality is still considerably less than one percent. The mortality rate could rise similar to that in other countries you still need.

“We need data”

Wendtners colleague Reinhard Busse also points to a third Problem: The data location. “We do not know, unfortunately, at the Moment, how many of in Germany, positively tested patients are currently being treated in hospitals in Normal or intensive care,” says the researcher of health care Management at the TU Berlin.

“Other countries put together, these Figures regularly and in a timely manner, usually the same day, and publish it. These data show great differences: On the current infection level of Germany (so just over 20 per 100,000 population) was the number of ICU patients treated in Denmark at 3 per cent, in Lombardy on the other hand, 11 per cent transferred to Germany in the first case, ‘only’ 500, in the latter, however, almost 2,000 patients would be.”

However, it would be important to know where the level is and how the development is proceeding, arguing that buses. A lot of that depend, as regards the calculation of capacities in hospitals. “We need strictly data.”

“We have to prepare for the Worst-Case scenario”

In spite of everything the doctors are optimistic. It was exaggerated the excitement of the Coronavirus so? At least write self-proclaimed “moderate” voices in social and traditional media. These people must really say that it is, unfortunately, still come out differently,” says Wendtner. “Everyone is dealing with the issue of whether virologists, Infectious disease specialists, or politicians, have also been incorporated in the meantime, in the matter well.” The projections are clear, says the doctor. “We are pleased that it is as yet different here, but we have to prepare for the Worst-Case scenario. And the thinking does any reasonable end.“