Low-intensity ultrasound can change decision-making process in the brain
Imagine working in your office while the sun is shining outside. Thinking about what you could be doing instead of working is an example of […]
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Imagine working in your office while the sun is shining outside. Thinking about what you could be doing instead of working is an example of […] In a recent learning study they were able to show that new conceptual information is stored along spatial dimensions in form of a mental map […] An anti-smoking drug now has a new job — as a chemical switch to turn select neurons on or off. The drug latches on to […] Most of us know what it’s like to savor a decadent slice of chocolate cake or a glass of our favorite wine. But savoring is […] Scientists at Tokyo Institute of Technology found a simple, yet effective, way to improve how synchronization is measured in chaotic systems. The technique consists in […] From the cab driver heading for Times Square to the commuter returning home on the freeway, we all carry maps in our head labeled with […] Early adult general cognitive ability (GCA) — the diverse set of skills involved in thinking, such as reasoning, memory and perception — is a stronger […] Leaky capillaries in the brain portend early onset of Alzheimer’s disease as they signal cognitive impairment before hallmark toxic proteins amyloid and tau appear, new […] An inter-disciplinary research team led by scientists from the National University of Singapore (NUS) has successfully employed machine learning to uncover new insights into the […]
Low-intensity ultrasound can change decision-making process in the brain
Measurement of thoughts during knowledge acquisition
Using an anti-smoking drug to control neurons
Savoring … It’s not just for dinner
Mathematical monotsukuri: Summing a constant may help to detect synchronized brain activity
Pinpointing the cells that control the brain’s memory flow
Youthful cognitive ability strongly predicts mental capacity later in life: Education, job complexity and intellectual activities play only minor roles
Dementia: New culprit and potential treatment target: Leaky brain capillaries and cognitive dysfunction linked, regardless of amyloid plaques
Scientists harness machine learning to uncover new insights into the human brain
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