One Year Later: How Has COVID-19 Affected You?
The World Health Organization officially declared the spread of COVID-19 a pandemic in March 2020. One year later, the global count of COVID-19 cases is […]
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The World Health Organization officially declared the spread of COVID-19 a pandemic in March 2020. One year later, the global count of COVID-19 cases is […] Memory is the term used to describe the storage of the vast amount of information the brain uses to perform various cognitive tasks. Image Credit: […] New research suggests testing people’s memory over four weeks could identify who is at higher risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease before it has developed. Importantly, […] A “molecular volume knob” regulating electrical signals in the brain helps with learning and memory, according to a Dartmouth study. The molecular system controls the […] After a traumatic brain injury, why do some people quickly regain their skills while others face long-lasting setbacks? Boston University neuroscientist Jerry Chen and his […] A child’s unique brain activity reveals how good their memories are, according to research recently published in JNeurosci. When you scramble to remember a phone […] Teenager whose seizures were put down to ‘school stress’ had her memory wiped OVERNIGHT by killer brain-swelling condition Rafaela Domingos, now 17, was sleepwalking and […] If you have a hard time remembering names or what to get at the supermarket, there are ways to boost your memory. According to a […] Some older adults without noticeable cognitive problems have a harder time than younger people in separating irrelevant information from what they need to know at […] Scientists at UC San Francisco have developed a personalized digital meditation training program that significantly improved attention and memory in healthy young adults — a […]
One Year Later: How Has COVID-19 Affected You?
The Neurophysiology of Memory
Testing memory over four weeks could predict Alzheimer’s disease risk
Research identifies ‘volume control’ in the brain that supports learning and memory
A memory game could help us understand brain injury
A child’s brain activity reveals their memory ability
Teenager's memory wiped OVERNIGHT due to a brain-swelling condition
Don’t forget these tips to boost your memory
How some older brains decline before people realize it
Meditation goes digital in new clinical trial: Individualized program improves attention and memory in healthy young adults
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