Body’s ageing process accelerated by DNA changes
DNA changes throughout a person’s life can significantly increase their susceptibility to heart conditions and other age-related diseases, research suggests. Such alterations — known as […]
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DNA changes throughout a person’s life can significantly increase their susceptibility to heart conditions and other age-related diseases, research suggests. Such alterations — known as […] A medication that boosts the body’s own cannabis-like substances, endocannabinoids, shows promise to help the brain un-learn fear memories when these are no longer meaningful. […] Disease-causing air pollution remains high in pockets of America — particularly those where many low-income and African-American people live, a disparity highlighted in research presented […] Good cardiovascular health at age 50 is associated with a lower risk of dementia later in life, finds a study of British adults published by […] Some older adults without noticeable cognitive problems have a harder time than younger people in separating irrelevant information from what they need to know at […] A new study from Aarhus University Hospital and Aarhus University, Denmark, has shown that probably 1 in 4 people in the world carry the tuberculosis […] Biological control of the brown marmorated stink bug, an invasive pest that devastates gardens and crops, would be more effective in natural areas bordering crops […] Research finds that people with substance-use problems who read a message describing addiction as a disease are less likely to report wanting to engage in […] Investigators at the University of British Columbia (UBC)/Centre for Molecular Medicine & Therapeutics (CMMT) and BC Children’s Hospital have examined more than 25 years of […] In recent years, it has become increasingly clear to researchers that the protein galectin-3 is involved in inflammatory diseases in the brain. A study led […]
Body’s ageing process accelerated by DNA changes
New medication may be able to improve effects of psychological treatment for PTSD
Low-income, black neighborhoods still hit hard by air pollution
Good heart health at age 50 linked to lower dementia risk later in life: Findings support policies to improve midlife cardiovascular health to promote later brain health
How some older brains decline before people realize it
A quarter of the world’s population at risk of developing tuberculosis
Ideal areas and timing for biological control of invasive stink bug
The message that addiction is a disease makes substance users less likely to seek help
Mining 25 years of data uncovers a new predictor of age of onset for Huntington disease
Researchers block protein that plays a key role in Alzheimer’s disease
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