Why strokes can affect women, men differently
(HealthDay)—It is often said that stroke affects men and women differently. Now, scientists say the location of the stroke’s damage in the brain may help […]
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(HealthDay)—It is often said that stroke affects men and women differently. Now, scientists say the location of the stroke’s damage in the brain may help […] (HealthDay)—It is often said that stroke affects men and women differently. Now, scientists say the location of the stroke’s damage in the brain may help […] Several acoustic studies have shown that the position of your eyes determines where your visual spatial attention is directed, which automatically influences your auditory spatial […] Having children doesn’t just make you feel like you’ve aged overnight—a new study led by Penn State researchers found that the number of times a […] Does weather affect the spread of the coronavirus outside? Not really. The World Health Organization says the virus can be transmitted in any kind of […] New research from the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) shows that gun laws in neighboring states have an effect on gun death rates in […] A miscarriage is a devastating event. Those who experience them are suddenly and unexpectedly robbed of the promise of new life and the dream of […] Teenage years can be a turbulent time, thanks to a sharp increase in hormones. What’s not known is the role that these hormones, along with […] For patients at the end of life, palliative care can prolong survival and improve the quality of life for patients with a life-threatening illness and […] Psychology researchers have found another reason that sleep, mood and stress are important: they affect the extent to which older adults feel they have control […]
Why strokes can affect women, men differently
Why strokes can affect women, men differently
How does eye position affect ‘cocktail party’ listening?
The number of times a person gives birth may affect how quickly they age
Does weather affect the spread of the coronavirus outside?
Gun laws in neighboring states affect state gun deaths, new evidence
Miscarriages affect one in six pregnancies. We need better investigations and treatments
Study to examine how sex hormones affect teenage girls’ emotions
Site of care may affect patients’ access to palliative treatment
Sleep, mood affect how ‘in control’ older adults feel
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