Genetic analyses have shown that bacteria in the International space station (ISS), rather try to survive than to do damage: in Spite of the difficult environmental conditions they will not became aggressive or resistant germs.
Although the bacteria of the ISS part, had other genes than their terrestrial Relatives, not any harm to human health. She had adapted rather to the changed conditions in the world space. Erica Hartmann of Northwestern University in Illinois explains: "There was a lot of speculation about radiation, micro-gravity, and inadequate ventilation to bacteria, could be significant. These are rich in stress and difficult conditions. The environment selects dangerous germs, which have an advantage? The answer seems to be ,Nein‘ to loud."
While bacteria feel on the skin, because it is warm and find food, to Survive on surfaces more difficult for you and requires an adjustment. Nevertheless, no signs of resistance or increased disease have been found in the space bacteria-causing properties.
On the ISS, thousands of different microorganisms, passes through the cargo and people get there. Hartmann’s Team compared two types of them – Stapyhlococcus aureus and Bacillus cereus – with their counterparts on earth. Stapyhlococcus aureus belongs to the normal bacterial flora of the skin of the Healthy. Sometimes multi-drug resistant strains that are insensitive to many antibiotics that the MRSA found among them.