Americans love fried food: Many to consume chicken, French fries & Co on a daily basis. The new study’s results could tarnish the enjoyment, however: Apparently, the risk for a cardiac death in women increases from the age of 50 significantly, even if only once per week, eat fried chicken.
In fat baked foods, many people find delicious. Approximately 25 to 36 percent of adults in North America eat daily, Fast Food. How unhealthy these foods are, shows now a new American study: It showed that the consumption of fried foods, especially chicken, fish, and shellfish, is associated with a higher risk for premature death due to cardiovascular disease in women after the menopause.
Who consumed daily, deep fried food, had to die a eight percent greater risk in the study period than people who ate them never. When eating at least one Serving of chicken per week, the risk was increased by as much as 13 percent. The cause of death were heart especially disease.
The study was conducted with data from 106.966 women aged 50 to 79 years who had documented in the years 1993 to 1998 to your diet habits. Up to the year 2017 it came to 31.558 death cases, including 9.320 diseases cardiovascular.