A long-term study from Denmark shows clearly: There is no connection between autism and vaccinations against measles, Mumps and rubella. Opponents have been claiming for a long time on this connection to be against vaccinations to „argumentieren“.
Comprehensive Study
The Danish research team examined the data of over 650,000 children between 1999 and 2010 in Denmark to the world. Those who were vaccinated were not more likely to have autism than the Unvaccinated. The results of the study were published in the journal Annals of Internal Medicine.
WHO warns of Impfgegnern
It is not the vaccinations that have saved millions of lives, but the misinformation of the opponents sees the world health organization officially considered to be one of the biggest threats to world health.
Opponents are spreading more false information
All reputable studies such as the current from Denmark, Despite the claim Impffeinde, vaccinations could trigger autism. The starting point for this tale is an incorrect statement of the British people, Andrew Wakefield, lost because of such Fakes in the UK his registration as a doctor. Wakefield’s study was retracted after Wakefield’s unethical methods of investigation had been demonstrated.
Impffeinde in the conspiracy delusions
The Impffeind Stefan Lanka doubted that there is virus. He promised that he would pay the person $ 100,000, he would determine the existence and size of measles virus with scientific publications. A doctor sent him to the appropriate scientific evidence and the money wanted. Lanka refused, but the court ruled that the evidence is valid, and he had to pay.
What are the causes of autism really?
Scientists know the causes of autism are still not quite precisely, but have identified genetic disorders that play a role. Damage seem to play in the pregnancy role, as well as influences of the environment. Even in countries where the vaccination rates against measles, Mumps and rubella decreased, increased autism rates.
Alarming Measles Numbers
2018, the global measles were cases in 98 countries, measles met outbreaks, particularly in ten countries: Ukraine, Brazil, Venezuela, Philippines, Serbia, Madagascar, Sudan, Thailand, Yemen and France. In countries such as Yemen, Sudan and Venezuela, the Problem lies in the catastrophe of the public health system In Yemen, it never really existed, in Venezuela it is broken. Where there are no vaccines, can also not be vaccinated. In France, however, the fault lies with Impfgegnern.
Unchecked, Measles Waves
In the Philippines to 2019 already 12.736 measles sick were reported – and 203 people have died there this year from the disease. In Brazil, there was this year twelve Dead at 10.274 covered sick. In Venezuela medical care is collapsing, and in addition to measles, Malaria is spreading again. All the countries of the Americas, measles was previously free. All the Diseased and all the dead could have been prevented by vaccinations.
Deadly Panic
On incorrect information-based „Impfkritik“, the result is that people leave out of fear of autism and measles vaccination directly to people suffer from measles, and some of them to measles die – of a disease that could be eradicated by vaccination. (Dr. Utz Anhalt)