Research result: This color increases the risk for the winter Blues
If in the autumn and Winter the days are short and mostly grey and rainy, in some people, the so-called winter depression. A researchers from the UK reported that people with a certain eye color are more prone to this disease.
Dark and cold Season of the year, leaves traces
The short days, the ensure that it is in the morning on the way to work and dark on the way home again, and the cold weather is over to go only to the least-without a trace. Many people develop in the dark Season of the year, a seasonal-dependent Depression (SAD), also known as winter depression or the Winter or the autumn Blues. A researcher from the United Kingdom reported that the eye color has an impact on whether you are for this disease-prone.
Listless and sad
In the case of a winter depression and “atypical symptoms such as cravings occur in addition to the classic symptoms of Depression, instead of loss of appetite, and increased sleep – and by sleep disturbances,” explains the Foundation German depression aid on your website.
According to experts, the disease is also due to a lack of drive, nervousness, tension or sad thoughts felt.
An estimated 800,000 people in Germany to be affected by seasonal affective disorder (seasonal affective disorder, SAD).
For some, the condition can be serious and severe, says Lance Workman, a psychology Professor at the University of South Wales (UK) in an article of the magazine “The Conversation”.
According to Workman, the experts are still undecided as to what is causing the disease, and some do not believe that you exist.
His own research had shown that the eye color is a factor of influence on whether or not someone develops a SAD or not.
Experts on the causes not in agreement
According to his statement, some experts believe that the so-called winter Blues, is triggered by less sunlight during the cold months.
This would suggest that the SAD, in countries that are further away from the Equator (should be like Iceland), and more. A number of studies have not supported this theory, however.
Another theory States that SAD occurs when our circadian rhythm is interrupted, when the days are shorter.
And other explanations are based on the fact that this is due to an imbalance of Serotonin and Melatonin in the body.
Workman, according to these theories are all inconsistent and partly contradictory.
Since winter depression, but are likely due to a combination of many biological and physiological factors, can be linked to these different explanations for the causes of SAD.
People with light or blue eyes are rarely affected
According to their own statements, Workman’ve found, together with colleagues evidence that the eye color of a Person can have a direct impact on how susceptible someone is for SAD.
For the study in the “Journal of Behavioural Science & Psychology“ was published, have asked the researchers to 175 students from two universities (one in South Wales, the other in Cyprus) with regard to mood, weight, appetite, sleep and social activity in the warm and cold Season.
They found that subjects with light or blue eyes sections in the questionnaire seasonal pattern assessment significantly worse than people with dark or brown eyes.
These results are consistent with previous research, in which it was found that brown or dark-eyed people were significantly more depressed than people with blue eyes.
The scientists suggest that the reason for this is that the eye color may make some people more vulnerable to depression or mood swings, may be due to the amount of light that can process the eyes of an individual.
Bright eyes with little colour pigments for a rich in just a small amount of light to process images and the mood-regulating to produce the hormones Serotonin and Melatonin.
Brown eyes need far more light. However, this is scarce in the Winter, which is why there is an imbalance of Melatonin and Serotonin, which is reflected in a bad mood.
But even if people with lighter eyes ill less often than people with darker eyes on a winter depression, you are not immune, according to the Workman, not in front of it.
Active against the winter Blues
Who is affected by the winter Blues, should not indulge in this, according to the health experts just to walk away from, but actively do something about it.
According to the experts, especially a lot of movement is an advantage here. Thus, it is known that regular endurance exercise has an antidepressant effect.
If that is too much, you should at least go out to Walk, and instead of using the Bus or car, Cycling to work and a breath of fresh air.
For more tips or home remedies for winter depression: be sure to adequate fluid intake. Because in addition to sports and light water helps to reduce symptoms such as fatigue and listlessness.
Also the food plays an important role in how fit or tired people feel. Home vegetables such as cabbage and Co can contribute to stay in the Winter fit. In General, the diet should not contain too much fat.
Furthermore, hot and cold showers are recommended to the blood circulation. (ad)