How do squats?
The execution of the squats, Squat is a very complex and especially for beginners not easy. Those who have mastered the Exercise, but, trained, in addition to a leg, torso, and back muscles mobility in the ankle joints, knees, and hips.
You are about shoulder-width apart in an upright Position. The weight is on the heels of the (- Test: The toe can be moved), feet and knees of a side show, respectively, in the same direction – no X-legs. The hands are stretched forward, the gaze is directed to the front. Then you go into the squat by pushing the buttocks to the rear until it is only a few inches from the ground. Press with force from the heels. In the embodiment, it is important that you contract the spinal erectors (hollow back) and you are not too much bent forward. The goal is to go really deep in the squat.
How’s it going?
Beginners often make the mistake to want quickly many reps without you can perform the squat in a moderate Tempo and with a clean technique.
Contrary to the still prevailing view, the depth Position is not harmful for the knee. “The opposite is the case: The 90-degree knee flexion for the knee joint more burdensome than the deep knee bend. If the diffraction is slowed down at a knee angle of 90 degrees, the effect of higher shear forces on the joint, as in the case of a continuation of the movement in the squat,” says sports doctor Kurt Moosburger. The critical angle of the Knees would be bridged in the case of the deep Flexor dynamic “” and is recommended therefore.
Tip: Practice the squat 10 to 15 centimeters in front of a wall. To prevent too wide a forward bend of the upper body. If necessary, you can hold on to a waist-high object like a chair. The knees should not be above the tips of the toes pushed out, the lower leg perpendicular.
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What knee bring bow?
Knee, the four-headed thigh muscle (quadriceps), the muscles of the hamstrings, the glutes, the lower back and hip flexors exercise bend. Similar to push-UPS or pull-UPS, the knee strengthens flexion in a movement of several muscle groups.
This is used as a muscle sling, to be referred to the fitness exercises are considered to be more effective than isolated strength exercises. Depending on the design and intensity of the abdomen in the case of the Squats, back and calf muscles are strengthened. Oh Yes, a Knack-Po, you can get of course.
What variations are there?
Squats, there are countless variations. In the case of weight lifters Squats are with a barbell on the shoulders move. Advanced can carry a heavy backpack, reassigning, or Weights, to complicate the Exercise. Also a change in arm position – arms above or behind your head – are welcome variations.
Particularly impressive Pistol Squat. In these squats on one leg of the Performers stretches a leg forward and go into the deep squat. Beginners can make do with Sumo squats. In this variant, the legs are gegrätscht far, the tips of the toes point outward. Is a bit simpler than the classic squat.
Who makes it?
Hardly a Personal Trainer who has the knee-bend in his program. Celebrity-Coach David Kirsch makes Heidi Klum as fit as a fitness trainer Mark Lauren (“Fit without equipment”), the soldiers of the U.S. army.
Bodybuilders and weightlifters place a very powerful weight plates on the bar and challenge your muscles to the Extreme. Also for runners is an effective cooperation of the abdomen-buttocks-muscles-muscles are important for powerful and efficient running style. “To run not only footwork, but also the fuselage of work,” says moss Burger.
Who can be the most?
Paddy Doyle of the UK is the Squat Master. He managed to 4708 squats in a hour and also keeps the minutes record: 44 squats – he was wearing an Extra weight of 60 pounds.