Muscle soreness, weight loss, sweating: Different sports myths challenged
Regular exercise helps with weight loss. Is it true that the fat burning begins only after 30 minutes of Training, as is often claimed? And it is actually a good sign that the Sport is a muscle sore?
Sport helps weight loss
According to studies, more and more Obese live in Germany. Many are trying, through a lower calorie diet or a diet to lose weight. But that alone is not enough. To belly to reduce fat, it is usually necessary to move on a regular basis. Endurance sport is particularly good here. Short workouts don’t help, however, when Removing, it is often claimed. That’s true, but really, or is to be classified this statement in the category of sports myths?
Burn more calories than you eat
It is always claimed time and again that you have to at least train for a half-hour until the burning of fat. Can you lose weight but really, if it drives more than a half-hour of sports?
No, my health experts. A few minutes of exercise daily to stimulate the burning of fat.
Especially regular interval training helps to become leaner.
Anyone who wants to reduce his weight, but pay particular attention to a negative calorie balance. To burn more calories, than you eat.
It’s scientifically proven
In scientific studies it could be shown that you can lose weight through small training sessions.
So, researchers from Canada reported in the journal “PLOS ONE” about an investigation, which came to the conclusion that ten minutes of Workout lead over several months to success.
The information suggests that the condition increased in subjects during the twelve week study period and their body fat decreased proportion.
It is nothing to be said, however, to make his training sessions longer.
Muscle soreness is not a good sign
Don’t overdo it, however. Especially men exercise more often, according to the Motto “No Pain, No Gain” and think that a little muscle soreness after the Sport was a good sign, but health experts disagree.
Professionals are about the causes of muscle soreness is still not quite agree, but most of the time, it is assumed that pain arise when a single muscle tear fibers.
The muscle pain is an indication that the body needs a few days rest.
From the so-called “Wegtrainieren” is strongly discouraged. The only leads that the muscles still need more time to regenerate.
By the way, is of the opinion that Stretching can prevent in front of the Sport to a muscle soreness is, among specialists, in the meantime, from the table.
There is for this assumption, no scientific studies.
Some athletes sweat more than others
Also, the assumption of increased sweating in sports is a sign of a worse condition, is one of the sports myths.
“Although the strength of the sweating says nothing about the condition, because it is a very individual property,” says the German society for sports medicine and prevention (DGSP) in a message.
However, the body learns with the increase of the Training, to start his own “air conditioning” quickly and efficiently. This protects the heart and circulation, the peripheral vessels dilate faster.
This ensures a constant low body temperature, heart rate and blood pressure remain low.
To the untrained athlete, it takes longer, until the sweat drips. He begins, however, so he sweats mostly very strong, and loses more electrolytes than the Trained experts.
Indoors or outdoors?
Whether Sport should be better, or outdoors on the inside, depends on various factors.
So, it is usually an advantage if you are running Outdoors and fresh air gets in, but depending on the fine-dust contamination, this can also be the health risk.
Also in extreme heat or extreme cold, it is more advisable to focus on sports in the gym or in the gym. (ad)