More more – the same applies for the penis size during Sex? Many men wish to satisfy your partner, optimally, a long and thick Penis.
About small penises, however, are not only mischievous jokes, you will also be held still by many to be inadequate, if it is between the sheets.
Especially among men, but also for many women, the assumption is widespread that a smaller Penis may not provide enough Stimulation, and that the woman can’t feel it, perhaps not so much.
But: it is All a matter of technique, because certain sex positions ensure that even a smaller Penis can penetrate deep in Sex Shine, so that both partners are happy.
Also interesting: The best sex positions for a big Penis
Penis size: What’s normal?
It confusion reigns abundant around the question of how big the average Penis actually is. In General, we have exaggerated ideas of how a sex therapist Vanessa Martin explained to ‘womenshealthmag.com’.
Many believe that an erected Penis should normally be 16.5 cm or even 18 cm long. The reality, however, is usually a other.
To “this question, it’s still a lot of confusion and wrong information. The majority of penises are in the excited state, 12.5 to 14 cm long”, clarifies the expert. Probably a lot of men think their Penis completely wrong for too small.
Women are in anyway less thought than men suspect: A ‘Cosmopolitan’survey revealed that the penis size of your partner’s for 89 percent important.
Finally, it comes down more to the fact that he knows what he can do with it – these five positions show the little Penis from its best side!
1. Kneeling missionary position, legs up
If he penetrates in front of her kneels and in missionary position while she wraps her legs around his shoulders, allows him to by her a deeper Penetration – good for both of you!
A pillow under your pelvis can also help in the Sex, in a regular missionary position to let him penetrate deeper.
2. Doggy Style
If you stand in the Quadruped in front of him, he can penetrate from behind deep in you. Since it doesn’t need a XL-Penis to come! “He should withdraw to focus on deeply penetrating, as the Penis as far as possible, because he can then easily slip out,” warns Vanessa Martin.
An additional plus point is that he can stroke with the fingers on the clitoris and to stimulate it in this position her G-spot.
3. Riders sitting Face-to-Face
If he sits, you sit him facing him and the Penis deep. You can take the knees, and the Director, or the legs around his back loop. Due to the friction is also stimulates your clitoris. Deep looks, deep Sex – what’s not good about that?
4. Cowgirl
If he lies on his back and she sits on him, can you show him where to go, while he can enjoy Sex and your sight.
So, a smaller Penis is not slipping out of it, are wild and less well, and as a rotary pelvic motion. Always nice to stay together, is the motto!
When she turns around, and his back turns, you can vary the angle even more, while he can concentrate on the Penetration.
5. In The Stand
Whether on the kitchen or boldly on the window sill – if you can sit on a safe surface that allows it to have standing the Intrusion, is’s hot, even with a small Penis.
You can loop your arms and legs around him and him kissing. It is only important that there are no wobbly or fragile furniture will be chosen, or that you are not sitting too high.
Thus, the opportunities for great Sex with a small Penis is not the end, of course, still for a long time. Quality instead of quantity – let your imagination run wild!
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*The post “Sex: The best positions for a small Penis” comes from FitForFun. There is no editorial review by FOCUS Online. Contact with the executives here.