What parents on the conjunctiva need to know inflammation in children
Conjunctivitis is a relatively common complaint image that is not treated also rarely wrong in children. The pediatrician, Dr. Marcie Billings from the renowned Mayo Clinic in the US explains about what aspects of a conjunctivitis are hazardous to your health and how parents react correctly.
“Used to be a binder meant inflammation of the child’s skin is almost always a visit to the doctor,, antibiotics, and the Absence of your child in school – this is no longer the case,“ Dr. Billings, in a press release from the Mayo Clinic. In a Video the kids doctor informed in detail about the current state of medicine in the treatment of conjunctivitis, the child’s skin.

What is conjunctivitis?
The conjunctival inflammation (conjunctivitis) is an inflammation of the thin layer of tissue that covers the White of the eye and the underside of the eyelid, explains the expert. Typical symptoms are itching, watery, reddened eyes and Eyes. In most cases, the inflammation is caused by a Virus, which is the same Virus that colds trigger. The use of antibiotics for the treatment of conjunctivitis was therefore inappropriate. “As we know, does not respond to viruses, to antibiotics,” says Dr. Billings.
What measures help?
Although antibiotics do not promise any help, but parents can assist with various measures of healing, explained the paediatrician. “Use a cool compress for the eye and drag, the use of so-called artificial tears (eye drops) into account,” the note of the expert. Also, the binder means inflammation of the skin not necessarily that your child can’t go to school. With a runny nose or a running, blocked nose, a school visit is possible, as long as the children are able to participate in normal school activities. In the case of viral conjunctivitis is no different, says Dr. Billings.
Transfer avoid
In order to avoid Transmission of pathogens, advises to pay attention the expert on a particularly thorough hand hygiene, to wash hands often, wash rag not to re-use and pillows to change covers often. Symptoms should improve after three days, to consider other reasons for eye pain or visual disturbances occur, according to Dr. Billings urgently for a medical Review. (fp)