Prostate cancer: These four symptoms in modified prostate, you need to know

What are the symptoms that indicate a change in the prostate?

Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men. Every year, around 60,000 new cases occur. According to information of the German cancer society every fourth Tumor in men develops in the prostate. Approximately 10 percent of the cases end fatally. Thus, the prostate cancer, together with lung and colorectal cancer the most common cancer causes of death. The insidious disease is that it runs a long time without complaints. The more important is it that you ignore the following symptoms if they occur.

Prostate cancer grows in the majority of cases, very slowly. Complaints usually occur when the Tumor is so large that it presses on surrounding organs, such as the urethra. Due to the lack of early, regular screening is a warning signs for men over the age of 45 the only possibility of the carcinoma at an early stage. The earlier the cancer is detected, the better the chances of a cure.

What are the risk factors for prostate cancer?

The risk for prostate cancer increases with age. Diseases before the fiftieth year, according to the German cancer society tend to be rare. In addition to age, certain genes are considered to be a risk factor. Men whose brothers, fathers or grandfathers are already suffering from prostate cancer should be especially careful. In addition, the General lifestyle is considered a risk factor. A poor diet and lack of exercise can predispose them to prostate cancer.

These symptoms not to ignore

“The majority of tumors arise on the posterior side of the prostate gland, i.e. in the portion of the prostate that faces the rectum” write the experts of the German cancer research center (DKFZ) in a message. If complaints arise in connection with prostate cancer, the cancer is often already so large that it presses on other organs. If the following symptoms show, should not be pushed, therefore, a visit to the doctor on the long Bank.

  • Voiding dysfunction: If the carcinoma in the urethra, it can discomfort when urinating. This can manifest itself in, for example, went through start-up difficulty, weak urinary stream, pain or frequent urinary.
  • Discoloration of the urine or semen: blood in the urine or blood in semen are considered as a warning sign for prostate cancer. These signs can indicate inflammation or infection, should be medically investigated.
  • Problems during sexual intercourse: diving in connection with the intercourse pain, or erectile dysfunction, can this of changes in the prostate point.
  • Defecation pain: If the enlarge prostate to the bowel, it can cause pain during defecation.

Complaints may also be due to the age of

If one or more of these complaints arise, you should not get in panic. “What comes first complaints in question, can just as well be triggered by benign changes in the prostate or an infection,” said the DKFZ experts. More often a so-called benign Prostatahyperplasei for the symptoms was responsible. This benign enlargement of the prostate in front of sun with very many men in advanced age. A visit to the doctor should still be made. (vb)