How dangerous is the newly discovered pathogen in cow’s milk and beef?
Newly discovered pathogens in beef and cow’s milk products can lead to an increased risk of cancer, warns the German cancer research center (DKFZ). Now has expressed the Federal Institute for risk assessment (BfR) on the topic and recommendations for dealing with the new findings.
Two months ago, the cancer research cow’s milk & has; Beef as a cause of cancer tumors identified, and since then, the question is open, what are the practical recommendations for consumers are to derive from this. The BfR has made in a recent press release, a review and recommendations for action.

BMMF cause inflammation
In February, the DKFZ had pathogens the new findings to the infection with the name “Bovine Milk and Meat Factors“ (BMMF) and noted that the pathogens cause inflammation, and hereby, an indirect connection between the consumption of various beef-derived foods and the incidence of some cancers in humans are derived. It has been demonstrated that the novel pathogens in cow’s milk, cow’s milk products, and in the blood serum of healthy cattle.
Infection in infancy?
In the case of the BMMF, according to information provided by the DKFZ to a Erregertyp, the both viruses and bacteria is similar. To plasmids, in view of the relationship, you are referred to currently as “Plasmidome”, explains BfR. Especially due to the epidemiological observations, the DKFZ, “that it can come through the consumption of dairy and/or beef to infection with BMMF, in particular, in early infancy, due to the not-yet-complete system-developed immune.” Infants with a not yet Mature immune system, are infected within their first year of life, the feeding of cow’s milk with BMMF, so the presumption.
Insufficient data for clear statements
Together with the Max Rubner-Institute (MRI) has a rating of BfR the results of the DKFZ. Statements to BMMF as a cancer risk factor not to be “due to insufficient data to date is not possible”, so the conclusion of the assessment. However, the presumed connection between the BMMF, and the Occurrence of cancer diseases should be explored further. With regard to the food BfR and MRI is recommended to limit the consumption of meat, in principle, to a maximum of 600 grams per week, as from epidemiological studies of a connection between the consumption of red and processed meats and increased colorectal cancer risk is known.
Further research is urgently required
“However, it is recommended according to the current state of knowledge of the consumption of cow’s milk continues to be unrestricted,” the message of the BfR. The DKFZ had, however, not advised to feed children who are younger than a year, with cow’s milk or zuzufüttern, as otherwise, an infection with BMMF threat. What is the risk of the newly discovered pathogens actually starts, it remains yet unclear and further research must follow to work in a timely manner. (fp)