Some people believe that masturbation can cause mental health issues, but this is an outdated idea that researchers have long since disproven. On the other hand, having depression can affect how a person feels about masturbation and sex.
Read on to learn all you need to know about masturbation and depression.
Are masturbation and depression linked?
Masturbation does not cause depression. It is a natural, pleasurable activity that may boost self-esteem and help a person explore their sexuality.
That said, some people who masturbate do feel guilty or anxious about it. Historically, masturbation has been a social taboo.
The outmoded view that linked masturbation and mental health problems came about in the early 1800s.
By the 1900s, medical professionals had abandoned this view because research into psychology and sex had made it clear that the practice of masturbation was nearly universal.
Masturbation is a common, safe activity that can offer many sexual health benefits, but some religions and cultures continue to prohibit it.
Although masturbation does not cause depression, a person’s religious, cultural, or social views may cause them to feel bad about it.
A 2018 study found that 62.5 percent of male study participants with depression experience some sexual dysfunction. Myths about masturbation were also more prevalent among those with depression.
Masturbation will not have any effect on whether a person develops depression, but having depression can reduce a person’s sex drive, or libido, and may cause them to lose interest in masturbation.
As well as reducing sex drive, depression may make a person feel:
- sad
- guilty
- hopeless
- worthless
- tired
Depression may also cause physical symptoms, such as unexplained aches and pains.
Anyone experiencing the symptoms of depression should speak to their doctor, who will be able to help them access treatment.
People can use a combination of talk therapy and medication to manage depression. The lifestyle changes and stress-relieving activities below may also help:
- exercising regularly
- getting enough sleep
- eating a healthful, balanced diet
- reducing alcohol intake
- practicing yoga, mindfulness, or meditation
- journaling
- spending time with friends
The most effective mix of treatment and self-management strategies will vary from person to person.
Benefits of masturbation
A growing number of studies show a correlation between masturbation and good health. Even though masturbation is not harmful, some people never masturbate or only do so rarely — this is also healthy and normal.
The possible health benefits of masturbation include:
Improving sleep
Masturbating to reach orgasm may help a person get a good night’s sleep. During and after orgasm, feel-good hormones flood the brain. These hormones include:
- oxytocin
- dopamine
- endorphins
- prolactin
These help a person relax, which may improve their sleep.
Making it easier to orgasm
When a person learns what feels good through masturbation, they may find it easier to orgasm during sex with a partner.
A 2015 study looked at the link between female masturbation and sexual satisfaction. Researchers compared the experiences of two groups of married women. The women in one group had experienced orgasms from masturbation, while the women in the other group had not.
The study found that the women who had orgasmed when masturbating had more orgasms and greater sexual satisfaction.
Increasing sex drive
There may also be an association between masturbating and a person’s sex drive. Research suggests that married women who masturbate may have a higher sex drive than those who do not.
An older study from 2009 recruited 3,800 women and found that 52.5 percent of them masturbated with vibrators. The results showed that vibrator use significantly improved sexual function, including arousal, desire, lubrication, and having an orgasm.
Boosts self-esteem
Masturbation may also improve a person’s body confidence and self-esteem.
A 2015 study suggested that partnered women who masturbate have higher self-esteem than those who do not.
May lower risk of prostate cancer
Although additional studies are necessary, initial research suggests that frequent ejaculation may lower a man’s risk of prostate cancer.
A 2016 study found that men who reported more frequent ejaculation were less likely to receive a prostate cancer diagnosis later in life.
When to seek help
If a person feels guilty or anxious about masturbating, they should speak to their doctor. The doctor can recommend a therapist who specializes in sexual health and can help a person improve their relationship with masturbation.
Anyone experiencing the symptoms of depression should also speak to a healthcare professional, who can recommend treatments to help them manage the condition.
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