Nutritionist: lose weight and never carbohydrates do without
Although for a long time, the motto was that a reduced-fat diet is the best way to reduce weight, in recent years, more and more those wanting to lose weight on a meal plan that works with as little as possible carbohydrates. Some even do without them completely. A nutritionist explains why it is strongly discouraged.
Low Carb or Low Fat?
For years now, a debate rages whether or not less fat or less carbohydrate is better suited to get rid of excess pounds. In various scientific studies have shown that Low-Fat cut Carb better than Low. Such a diet, however, too extreme, it can be dangerous. Because of the waiver of carbohydrates can even affect the life expectancy, as studies have shown. Also a popular nutritionist strongly advises from the carbohydrates waiver.
Carbohydrates are “not essential”
According to Andreas Pfeiffer of the German Institute for nutritional research (DIfE) in Potsdam you can’t live in principle without the carbs, “because they are essential”.
For example, the Inuit, an indigenous ethnic group that lives mainly in Canada, traditionally, carbohydrate-free diet. You take only proteins and fats. In other regions of the world, a diet without carbs would be rather inconceivable.
Especially in Italy, the country that stands for Pizza and Pasta. There, scientists have shown in a in the journal “Nutrition and Diabetes” published a study that noodles don’t do dick. At least not when they are enjoyed in moderation and with a lot of vegetables and little meat consumed.
Great differences in carbohydrates
Also, nutrition consultant, Melissa Meier, from Sydney (Australia) is against the Demonizing of carbohydrates. In a post on the Portal “Body and Soul”, she says, why not Avoid contributes of carbohydrates necessarily for losing weight and also unhealthy.
As the expert explained, introducing that there is a very big difference between carbohydrates from foods such as legumes and fruit and carbs from cake, candy and ice cream.
Of course, the reduction of carbohydrates would promote the latter category, the health, healthy food, entirely to omit it, just because they contain carbohydrates, is a bad idea.
Healthy whole-grain products, and legumes
Bread, pasta, rice – food with plenty of carbohydrates in the reputation of the health damage.
However, scientific studies show the opposite.
According to Melissa Meier the food of cereals (especially wholegrain) is associated with a longer life and a reduced risk for heart disease, Diabetes and even cancer.
“Of course, I would not recommend you to consume every day, a huge bowl of Spaghetti,” the Diätikerin.
“I’m just saying that you should not be afraid to take a good cereal for Breakfast, or two slices of bread for a Sandwich or a reasonable Portion of rice or Pasta for dinner.”
It also refers to the Use of healthy legumes: “beans, chickpeas and lentils are a good source for long-lasting energy,” said the expert, but they are also good for muscle growth.
“This vegetable is one of the few foods that I refer to as a “Superfood”,” says Meier. You are “a good source of fibre for a healthy bowel.”
Every day eat fruit
“Dairy products are thanks to the natural sugar-lactose-is also a source of carbohydrates – but you do not Worry about the dreaded word – this sugar is in the context of a balanced diet, perfectly healthy,“ explained the Diätikerin.
Milk, yogurt and cheese are a good source of protein and rich in calcium for strong bones and teeth is of crucial importance. In addition, dairy products provide many important micronutrients such as Vitamin A, B12, and potassium.
Also, fruits contain natural sugars, however, should be according to Meier every day two pieces of fruit on the dining plan. This provides the body with important vitamins and minerals and strengthens the immune system.
The expert argues that it doesn’t matter which fruit you eat, since all varieties are equally good. However, you should eat different fruit, as different antioxidants are included to fight diseases.
Last but not least, carbohydrate-rich, starchy vegetables such as potatoes and Corn is a healthy addition to any diet – when consumed in the right quantity. It is valuable, diet provides physiological benefits.
According to the nutrition expert, especially cooked and cooled potatoes are good for the intestines. “However, an excellent source of Beta-carotene, which is converted in the body into Vitamin A and the eye health supports are sweet potatoes.” (ad)