What kind of Training, it allows for quick weight loss?
When it comes to losing weight from excess pounds, we are looking for quick and effective Ways to reduce our weight. Since the question of whether a short Training with high intensity in weight loss effective, compared with a longer Cardio workout.
The scientists of the Federal University of Goiás in Brazil, found in their recent study, which leads to a more effective weight loss, HIIT Training or long Cardio sessions. The experts published the results of their study in the English journal “the British Journal of Sports Medicine”.

The benefits of HIIT training
The results of the new study showed that short high intensity Training (HIIT-Training) is more effective for weight loss than moderate regular exercise. The health benefits of interval training have been studied in the past already several times, with previous research results came to the conclusion that such Training can accelerate the metabolism. Interval training consists of short, intense Exercises with short periods of rest. This Form of Training can be applied in Running, Swimming, Cycling or any other Form of cardiovascular Training.
Data from 36 studies were evaluated
Apart from these advantages, many people the question of which Form of training is a better way to lose weight. The physicians analysed for their study, the data of more than 36 studies. They evaluated a total of 576 men and 522 women. All of the Participants in the study had different fitness levels and were aged between ten and 70 years. All subjects had trained in the respective studies for at least a period of four weeks. Some of the Participants made interval training and other subjects, made a longer, moderate workout for about 30 to 45 minutes.
HIIT Training resulted in higher weight loss
In the analysis of the data, the scientists found that all Participants lost exercising weight, regardless of whether they have completed a regular interval training or a longer Training. The subjects, which made it a HIIT Training (interval training high intensity), had a 28.5 per cent increase in weight reduction. Interval training led to an average weight loss of 1.58 kg, compared with the average weight loss of 1.13 kg in the case of persons who had performed moderate physical exertion with lower intensity.
HIIT Training is not suitable for every people
The physician noted, however, that interval training may be for every human being an ideal form of exercise. It is important to be aware of the potential risks and restrictions in connection with the exercise of a higher intensity, aware of, say the scientists. For example, such a type of training that can increase the risk of injury and increased cardiovascular pressures to trigger it.
Sprint interval training is the most effective Form of weight loss
According to the results of the study, the Sprint-interval training was the most effective Form of weight loss. It was found that it is even more effective when there is regular moderate Exercises will be combined. Adults between the ages of 19 and 64 years of age, it is recommended that you perform each week at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity, such as Cycling or walking, in addition to strength exercises at least two days in the week. Alternatively, it is also recommended that adults should combine each week, 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic activities like Running or Tennis with two of strength training. (as)