So you can help the intestines after antibiotic intake
Our gut Microbiome (gut flora) is made up of billions of beneficial bacteria. Thanks to numerous current research, it is increasingly clear that this Microbiome plays a crucial role for the health of the people. Against a number of bacterial antibiotics are used diseases. Just broad-spectrum antibiotics able to combat certain diseases effectively, but also the intestinal flora is heavily damaged. Experts provide tips for proper nutrition to build up the intestinal flora after antibiotic intake.
Six months it takes for our gut Microbiome of antibiotic-recovery of revenue. However, even after Regeneration, clear traces are still visible. This was the result of a current study by the Max-Delbrück-center for Molecular medicine (MDC), which has recently been published in the scientific journal “Nature Microbiology”.
Why is the build-up of our intestinal flora is important?
The bacteria in the gut serve with a few pathogenic exceptions to the Well-being of the host. They help to digest food, produce vitamins, and to train the immune system. To the other residents of the gut to protect against disease-causing congeners. “The device, the Microbiome is out of balance, threatening infectious diseases, Obesity and Diabetes as well as inflammatory and neurological diseases,” says Dr. Sofia Forslund from the MDC in a press release of the study results.
The intestinal flora has not recovered fully from antibiotics
“We were able to show that the Microbiome had recovered half a year after the medication almost completely,” says Forslund. The emphasis is however, on almost. The researchers were the first to demonstrate that some of the sensitive species of bacteria remained permanently gone.
Glyphosate for the intestines
“Basically, antibiotics work on the diversity of the bacteria similar to a Unkrautvernichtungsmittel“, the antibiotic expert Anne Eva Lauprecht of the hospitals in Essen emphasized-center with respect to the health magazine “pharmacy Umschau“. Because by a course of antibiotics not just kill only the pathogenic bacteria, which are responsible for the disease, but all of them.
What foods help build
Susanne Rolker diet assistant of the clinics Essen-Mitte. She stresses that the composition of the intestinal flora with the help of certain foods specifically supported. “Prebiotic foods contain food for important intestinal bacteria,” says the nutrition expert. Particularly rich sources are, for example, roots, artichokes, and black. But also chicory, Jerusalem artichokes and bananas, for example, contain prebiotics.
Fertilizer for the intestinal flora
“Thus, the bacteria can get these fertilizers and grow, you should make certain cereal products essen“, recommends Rolker. Particularly cereal flakes and coarse-grained or fine-milled whole grain bread is also suitable. Also bran, fruit, nuts, vegetables, legumes, flax seeds and psyllium seed wheat have a positive effect on the intestinal flora.
These foods should be avoided
“On some of the foods you should avoid, in a weakened intestinal Microbiome, in contrast, rather,” added antibiotics expert Lauprecht. Products made with white flour and white sugar, such as bread and sweets-and-white, as well as ready-made meals and fast foods with artificially-modified ingredients should be removed from the dining plan. For more information, see the article: gut flora: So let’s go! (vb)